is your baby’s head misshapen?
This can happen during birth and is known as Plagiocephaly.
Plagiocephaly is typically caused during birth when a baby’s skull is softest and therefore gets misshapen. Often times this can resolve itself over a short period of time and in more noticeable cases parents will take their babies to the doctor. Some doctors may recommend wearing a helmet to shift the skull back to a more normal shape but an alternative is chiropractic care. Often times it is not just the head that is involved but also the neck and muscles attached. A Chiropractor will gently adjust the neck and cranial bones back into proper alignment. The soft spots of your baby’s skull harden around the 6-24 month range and during that time a chiropractic intervention can help shape and align the bones so they develop a healthy shaped skull - which research on craniofacial disorders shows can help with proper airways/breathing as they mature.
Many patients who see us for our prenatal chiropractor services end up recognizing and knowing how to help address plagiocephaly earlier than those who are unfamiliar with what can be done. Here at our clinic, we enjoy keeping all of our moms-to-be in the know when it comes to their baby's health. For a comprehensive approach to your baby's well-being, we always recommend consulting with a prenatal chiropractor, Calgary.
There are different kinds of plagiocephaly. Positional plagiocephaly develops when a baby frequently sleeps on their back, creating a flat area on the soft skull. Congenital plagiocephaly is caused by craniosynostosis, a condition in which sutures (the skull’s joints) between an infant's skull bones grow together too early. Often times plagiocephaly can be caused during the birthing process and will resolve itself given enough time - but not always.