The Top 6 Causes of Sciatica and What To Do!

top causes of sciatica

Does every step you take feel like a reminder of the discomfort trailing from your lower back down to your feet? Sciatica can be more than just a literal pain in the behind - it can affect every aspect of your daily life. 

Have you ever wondered what's at the root of this pain? Our Chiropractic team believes in not just treating symptoms but in finding and solving the underlying causes of your discomfort. Let's unravel the top six culprits that could be causing your sciatica and how you can start on the path to relief today.

What Is The Main Cause of Sciatica?

The quest to understand sciatica often begins with a fundamental question: What is the main cause of this debilitating condition? While the reasons can be as varied as the individuals suffering from it, the core of the issue lies in the complex interplay of spinal health, muscle balance, and nerve function. 

As we delve into the sensations associated with sciatica, recognizing the root causes becomes essential in seeking relief and a long-term solution. Here's a glimpse into the six main causes of sciatica:

  1. Sacroiliac Referral: The sacroiliac joint, where your spine meets your pelvis, can refer to pain similar to sciatica when it's not functioning correctly. It's like a faulty hinge on a door; when it gets stuck, it affects the whole movement.

  2. L4/L5 Subluxation: These specific vertebrae in your lower back could be misaligned, stretching or irritating nerves and causing that characteristic shooting pain down your leg.

  3. Pelvic Imbalance or Torsion: Your pelvis is the foundation of your spine. Like a house with an uneven foundation, pelvic imbalance or torsion can lead to things not working right – doors and windows that don’t open or close properly, creaks and groins — or, in your body's case, sciatic pain.

  4. Weak Core: Your core muscles are the guardians of your spine. When weak, they can't protect as well, letting pressure on the sciatic nerve sneak past.

  5. Upper Spine Subluxation/Misalignment: Sometimes, the issue starts higher up. An upper spine subluxation or misalignment can set off a domino effect all the way down to your sciatic nerve.

  6. Piriformis Syndrome: This small muscle in your buttocks can sometimes play the role of a pinch-happy aunt, squeezing your sciatic nerve with a tight grip.

How Long Does Sciatica Pain Last?

Understanding the typical timeline for sciatica pain recovery can help set realistic expectations for your treatment journey. The duration of sciatica pain can vary widely. While many individuals experience relief from acute symptoms within 4 to 6 weeks, others may find that their pain persists for much longer. 

In some cases, chronic sciatica can last for months and significant symptoms can remain for over a year. Management and recovery times are highly individual and depend on the underlying cause, treatment effectiveness, and the patient's adherence to recommended therapeutic exercises and lifestyle adjustments.

Common Symptoms of Sciatica

Underneath the cloud of sciatica discomfort, a spectrum of symptoms is commonly experienced by those affected. The intensity of these symptoms can vary, ranging from a mild ache to an unbearable discomfort that impedes daily activities. The most common symptoms of sciatica include: 

  • Sharp, shooting pain that travels from the lower back to the leg.

  • Numbness or tingling sensations along the sciatic nerve pathway.

  • Weakness in the muscles of the affected leg or foot.

  • Increased pain during sudden movements or transitions like standing or sitting

How Do I Stop My Sciatic Nerve From Hurting?

While understanding the possible causes and symptoms of sciatica is empowering, knowing how to mitigate the discomfort brings even more relief. Simple at-home practices can help stretch and soothe your nerves and muscles. It's about giving your body the gentle nudge it needs to start healing itself.

The Best Sciatica Exercises

Alleviating sciatica pain can often be achieved with simple yet effective exercises that you can perform in the comfort of your home. Sciatic Nerve Flossing is one such exercise. This gentle, therapeutic movement is designed to stretch and mobilize the sciatic nerve, helping to relieve pain by improving movement and flexibility in the nerve. It involves a specific set of movements that gently pull and release the sciatic nerve, promoting better nerve glide through the tissues. 

Another beneficial exercise is the Child's Pose, a restorative posture that targets the lower back. This pose can provide a soothing effect on sciatic discomfort by gently stretching the muscles in this region and allowing the spine to relax. It's a simple position where you sit on your heels with your knees apart, then fold forward, extending your arms out in front of you, which allows for a gentle stretch along the sciatic nerve's pathway. This position, can also help to reduce the tightness and pain associated with sciatica.

Chiropractic Solutions

Why settle for just feeling better when you can be better? At Cameron Family Chiropractic, we go beyond temporary fixes. We're here to guide you to a life free of the constraints of sciatica. Imagine the freedom of movement without the fear of pain - it's possible, and it starts with us. 

At our Calgary chiropractic clinic, your journey to wellness goes beyond mere symptom management. We delve deep to unearth and address the root causes of your discomfort. Our chiropractic clinic offers tailored care for those in Calgary and area. Our personalized treatment plans combine chiropractic adjustments, stretches, and exercises, all aimed at realigning your spine, reducing neurological stress and tension, and enhancing overall health and well-being.

What Not To Do When You Have Sciatica?

Experiencing sciatica is far from a uniform sensation; it's a personal journey through discomfort and pain that can manifest in various ways. If you are experiencing sciatica or sciatica-like pain, do your best to avoid these movements until you can see a chiropractor to prevent exacerbating your condition:

1) Leg Circles and Hamstring Stretches: Avoid exercises that involve swinging your leg in a full circle or suddenly stretching your hamstring, like seated or standing stretches. These movements stretch the sciatic nerve and can increase irritation.

2) Hurdler Stretch: This stretch not only puts pressure on the hamstrings and sciatic nerve but also twists and locks the pelvis, which can add stress to the nerve.

3) Lifting both legs while lying on your back: This movement can put undue strain on your lower back, especially if your core muscles are weak, risking disc herniation and sciatica pain.

4) Downward Dog and Forward Bends: Movements that cause the back to curve can put undue strain on the hamstrings and the sciatic nerve. It is advisable to steer clear of these types of exercises.

5) Bent-Over Row and Straight-Legged Deadlifts: These weight-training exercises can be risky, especially if performed with poor form, as they may lead to a herniated disc due to the pressure on the spine.

6) Heavy Squats and Straight-Legged Sit-Ups: Exercises that involve significant stress on the lower back, like heavy squats, or that place tension on the sciatic nerve, like straight-legged sit-ups, should be avoided.

Lifestyle Adjustments for Managing Sciatica

Incorporating lifestyle adjustments plays a critical role in the holistic management of sciatica pain. Correcting your posture prevents injuries and chronic pain, whether you're sitting at a desk, standing for long periods, or even sleeping. Ensuring that your back is supported while sitting, choosing a mattress that provides the right balance of support and comfort, and using ergonomic furniture are practical changes that can make a significant difference. 

Regularly engaging in low-impact exercise helps maintain spinal health, while being mindful about body mechanics—like bending at the knees when lifting and avoiding carrying heavy loads—can protect your back. Adopting these habits, along with the personalized care provided at our Calgary clinic, forms a comprehensive approach to not only ease the pain of sciatica but also enhance your overall quality of life.

Remember, addressing sciatica isn't just about the relief - it's about reclaiming your life. Ready to untangle the roots of your sciatica? Contact our Calgary Chiropractic team in Signal Hill today to begin your journey to lasting wellness.